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Sweden receives first serial production Gripen Es

By Gareth Jennings |

To mark the onset of serial production deliveries, Saab flew an eight-ship formation of test and serial Gripen Es for both Sweden and Brazil. (Saab)

Saab commenced serial production deliveries of the Gripen E combat aircraft to the Swedish Air Force (SwAF) on 24 November.

The milestone, which coincided with the beginning of serial production deliveries to Brazil, saw the SwAF receive the first two of a planned 60 Gripen Es.

These first aircraft are to be assigned to Skaraborg Wing (F7), located at Satenas in the southwest of Sweden. As well as equipping this wing, remaining deliveries will see aircraft go to Blekinge Wing (F17) at Ronneby, in the far south of Sweden, and Norrbotten Wing (F21), also in the south of the country. A fourth wing, Uppsala Wing (F16), also located in southern Sweden, will be stood up from 2022. Each wing is to be equipped with two squadrons.

As previously highlighted by Saab, the Gripen E's enhancements over the earlier C/D models can be categorised in terms of survivability, sensors, general systems, payload, communications, performance, range, avionics, and human-machine interface/sensor fusion.

Survivability improvements include a reduced radar cross-section (though the extent of this is classified); a multifunctional electronic warfare system; enhanced radar warning receivers; enhanced intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance functionality and threat geo-location; multi-threat handling; as well as directional jamming and electronic countermeasures.

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