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WDS 2022: SIGN4L launches network-monitoring systems

By Andrew White |

SIGN4L's ActiveCell network monitoring system was displayed in backpack configuration at the World Defence Show. (Edge)

SIGN4L, the electronic warfare (EW) and intelligence specialist in the United Arab Emirates' Edge group, unveiled two new products at the inaugural World Defense Show (WDS) held in Riyadh from 6 to 9 March.

Waleid Al-Mesmari, Edge's vice-president of programme management, electronic warfare, and intelligence, told Janes that both ActiveCell and WiFinder were designed to help end-users manage complex information in a secure manner. “They ensure the maximum levels in protection, situation awareness, and information superiority across increasingly complex operating environments,” he said.

Displayed at the WDS in a backpack configuration, ActiveCell comprises a modular software-defined radio (SDR) that monitors and analyses cellular networks to assist in the detection, monitoring, and location of suspects across 2G, 3G, and 4G networks.

Al-Mesmari said the product allows end-users to conduct “forensic analysis of cellular networks in urban as well as rural environments”. He also suggested the technology could be used during search-and-rescue missions to identify the location of missing persons through their mobile phone signals.

The WiFinder was displayed in a smartphone configuration and is designed to provide security agencies with the ability to covertly monitor communications patterns of behaviour of suspects and high-value targets.

Describing how WiFinder is particularly applicable to the support of counter-terrorism missions, Al-Mesmari explained how the system allowed end-users to track which WiFi networks were used by individual targets at any given time.

“WiFinder emulates WiFi signals, allowing end-users to conduct a link analysis, which enables them to understand who is speaking to who and across which networks through the exploitation of metadata,” he explained.

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