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Somali president visits SNA training camp in Eritrea

By Jeremy Binnie |

Soldiers at the training camp south of Asmara that Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud visited on 10 July. (Eritrean Ministry of Information)

Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud visited Somali soldiers during a visit to Eritrea from 9 to 12 July.

Eritrea's ERi-TV English-language news reported that the Somali and Eritrean presidents visited a camp where Somali soldiers had completed three years of military training on 10 July. It quoted President Isaias Afwerki as saying his country was proud to have contributed to building the Somali National Army (SNA).

The footage of the visit showed a large body of soldiers that probably numbered in the low thousands. The camp could be identified as one located on the east side of the lake created by the Misilam Dam, about 34 km south of Asmara. Satellite imagery shows it being set up in June 2019.

On the following day, the Somali president visited SNA personnel undergoing training for the country's reconstituted navy. ERi-TV showed him at the naval base at Ghadem on the southern side of Massawa Bay.

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