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MBDA conducts first end-to-end test firing of Marte ER

By Robin Hughes |

MBDA has completed the second of three planned test firings in the design, development, and qualification programme of the Marte ER anti-surface warfare (ASuW) missile.

Designed to confirm the overall design and performance of the missile, the end-to-end test firing was conducted in early February at the Italian Ministry of Defence Joint Forces Salto di Quirra test range (Poligono Interforze del Salto di Quirra, PISQ) in Sardinia, marking what MBDA described as “a critical milestone in [the Marte ER’s] development path”. The first firing was conducted at the same facility in November 2018.

For the latest test, a representative series-production (naval/ground version) missile with pre-qualification level components was installed at a PISQ ashore test facility, with the flight conducted over the Salto di Quirra to achieve the missile’s intended range at a target out to sea.

MBDA conducted the first end-to-end testing of the Marte ER ASuW missile at the Italian Ministry of Defence PISQ test range in Sardinia in February. The test was the second of three planned firings. (MBDA)

MBDA conducted the first end-to-end testing of the Marte ER ASuW missile at the Italian Ministry of Defence PISQ test range in Sardinia in February. The test was the second of three planned firings. (MBDA)

During the flight, “the missile pushed its envelope to the limit with several major manoeuvres including very low sea skimming at very high speed. The floating target was hit with “almost zero” miss distance after a flight of about 100 km”, said MBDA. Jane’s understands the flight was conducted on a planned trajectory that included several waypoints. The munition was inert but equipped with telemetric equipment. Hitting the target confirmed the expected behaviour of the missile, with flight data indicating close alignment with simulation outcomes, MBDA said

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