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Griffon command post vehicle qualified

By Nicholas Fiorenza |

The Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA), the French defence procurement agency, qualified the Griffon engin poste de commandement (EPC) command post vehicle on 13 November 2020, Nexter, Arquus, and Thales announced in a joint press release on 26 November.

The DGA qualified the Griffon command post vehicle on 13 November. (Nexter)

The DGA qualified the Griffon command post vehicle on 13 November. (Nexter)

The companies, which form the Engins Blindés Multi-Rôles (Multirole Armoured Vehicles, EBMR) consortium, said the first three vehicles were then delivered to the Section Technique de l’Armée de Terre (STAT), the French Army’s technical section, for operational evaluation. The EMBR consortium said it is fully mobilised for the series production of the first 35 Griffon EPCs by the end of the year, adding that France’s Scorpion transformation programme foresees the acquisition of 333 vehicles of this variant by 2025.

Equipped with a T2 7.62 mm remote-controlled turret, the Griffon EPC carries a driver and gunner in the front of the vehicle and five soldiers in the back manning a command post with communication equipment, large screens, a table, and a printer. The vehicle is designed to accommodate the same vetronics that equip other Scorpion platforms, the Scorpion SICS combat information system, Antares optronic system providing the crew with a 360° field of view, and the SLA acoustic localisation system to detect where hostile gunfire is coming from. The air-conditioning system is designed to enable the crew and onboard electronics to function in all environments.


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