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Airbus, Dassault agree on industrial terms for New Generation Fighter

By Gareth Jennings |

Airbus and Dassault have agreed on industrial terms for the New Generation Fighter (NGF) element of the Franco-German-Spanish Future Combat Air System (FCAS)/Système de Combat Aérien Futur (SCAF).

The New Generation Fighter of the Next-Generation Weapon System, which is itself part of the wider FCAS/SCAF. The industrial leads of Airbus, Dassault have now agreed on terms ahead of the launch of Phase 1B of the programme. (Janes/Gareth Jennings)

The New Generation Fighter of the Next-Generation Weapon System, which is itself part of the wider FCAS/SCAF. The industrial leads of Airbus, Dassault have now agreed on terms ahead of the launch of Phase 1B of the programme. (Janes/Gareth Jennings)

The French Senate announced on 6 April that the agreement reached on the NGF project is “a major turning point” in the programme after months of wrangling between the two industry partners, and now clears the way for the launch of Phase 1B of the programme.

“The agreement removes the main obstacle to the launch of a demonstrator of the programme, which should fly in 2026 or 2027. This is a major turning point,” said the Senate Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee.

As noted by the Senate, the agreement will first need to be validated in the coming weeks by the German Bundestag before the demonstrator phase can formally commence. From my recent exchanges with several of my colleagues from the Bundestag, I am rather optimistic, which was not the case even a few weeks ago. I call on them to support this historic project, which gives very concrete content to the European strategic autonomy,” Christian Cambon, chairman of the committee, said.

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