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OSINT expertise at your fingertips

With a lifetime of expertise backed by technology-enhanced tradecraft consistent with the wider intelligence community, get the intelligence you can trust – and use – from the people you trust.

Introducing your OSINT force multiplier

With decades of expertise backed by technology-enhanced tradecraft, get the intelligence you can trust - and use - from the people you trust.


Our analyst community comprises experts from over 50 countries, speaking over 40 languages, with a deep understanding of military capacity, geopolitics, countries, and culture.


With impartiality, we review every single source for reliability, bias, objectivity, and level of certainty to deliver assured intelligence data, using tradecraft methods consistent with your own.


Backed by human-machine teaming, efficient tooling, and structured governance, we classify and interconnect the data you need, tracing it back to source and delivering trusted OSINT at speed and scale.

Emily Harding - Our Expertise

Where do you go for the history of warfare? Janes. Where do you go for the future? Also Janes.

Coverage across the entire intelligence cycle

  • Planning: We prioritise and tier research to speed up data gathering.
  • Collection: Combining automation and human collection, we use all-source OSINT tradecraft.
  • Processing: Once gathered, we classify and interconnect data to a core assured data model for easier analysis.
  • Analysis: With modelled and expert-led processes, we build data to fill gaps and provide forward-looking assessments.
  • Dissemination: Whatever your use case, we use integrable APIs, online platforms, and personal briefings to supply the information you need.

What we do

Improved global security begins with trusted intelligence

Access the world's most complete foundational military data asset and integrate 100 million connections across defence and security data points into your high- and low-side environments and systems.